Sam Foster is the author of Thy Mother Is a Lioness, The American Trilogy (including A Panther Crosses Over, Beardstown, and American Pied Piper), as well as Pushcart Prize–nominated Non-Semper Fidelis and the five-star reviewed Alpha Male
Watch the Book Trailer for A Panther Crosses Over
Two hours before dawn, on a very cold morning in early March 1768, a brilliant meteor streaked across the sky, rushing down from Canada along the Scioto River valley. It was the Panther, a meteor legendary among the Shawnee. Every morning the Panther raced south, seeking a hole in the southern sky where it could rest. The Panther took a different route every night, and so was seldom seen, but whatever the path the Panther chose would shower good luck upon the people below. Pucksinwah, war chief of the Shawnee, hunkered before a dying fire, watched the Panther fly over. He had been up all night waiting for his wife, Methotasa, to deliver their third child. This one was coming slowly, but just as the Panther disappeared into the southern sky, Pucksinwah heard the fierce cry of his newborn son. What his name would be was instantly apparent. He was Tecumseh, “A Panther Crosses Over”.
“Sam Foster’s descriptive writing had me engrossed and wishing for more.”
—MH, Amazon review